Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh Hai

It's been a while.

I have been struggling with my SL for the past few weeks, the people in it and my role within it.

Somedays being in world would send me into fits of panic, my heart would beat fast and all I wanted to do was hide.

I had struggled with the decision to stay in world or to leave. Was I going to walk away from Three for a while, take a break.

I am not going into too much detail, but I thought i owed the few of you who read this some sort of explanation for my absence.

I'm still not 100% sure about my SL Future or my place in it, but that will work itself out eventually.

I'm still here, just figuring my place out.

Thanks for listening.



  1. I'm pretty darned glad you're here. But you'll always be "here." (/me points at heart)

  2. I miss you too Three, I've been checking in for updates but I think you must be enjoying yourself in your new city. Love the shots you've taken while you've been out and about (especially the one with the elephant on the building).
    I really need to get a Flickr account so I can comment over there!

