Friday, June 5, 2009

dont know what to put here



things are going well, i think, for the most part.

still figuring some shit out, which should be resolved one way or another soon. I've been given time to heal, and sometimes that's all you need.

I've also found someone to spend time with, who makes me smile and understands me. i hesitate to write about it, as it seems that when I do things then to go wrong and I end up looking like a putzer.

lets just say, I'm happy and my heart feels like it has what it needs. we are both a bit scared, because this is SL and shit comes and goes quickly, but due to this fear I think we will do our best to stave that off.

i dont know really, I'm just rolling with it.

so anyway.




Saturday, May 30, 2009

some things

so you'll notice some posts are gone.

while I am not a fan of deleting posts, I am a fan of starting over.

i am trying my best to refresh and recharge both of my lives and my negativity isnt going to help that.

will I always be a ray of sunshine? no.

can I try harder? yes.

i wont lie and say I havent been hurt, that would be silly of me to try and do. i can say that i am in the process of healing, and while it is slow and steady, it is getting easier.

i cant explain the things I have been through, and i wont name the people who have hurt me. as I process these feelings and emotions I come to the conclusion that maybe I was really only hurting myself, but I'm still trying to figure that one out.

each day i am reminded why I keep logging into second life.

I cant let the few bad memories/experiences overshadow the good ones.

I'm too tired right now to make much sense, but I do know that i go to sleep with a semi clear head and an almost happy heart.

I take what i can get.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So I realize the last few blogs I've posted have not exactly been beacons of positivity. Quite frankly, I wasn't a shining ray of happiness.

Thing weren't okay, so why write as if they are? Keeping up appearances is exhausting enough in my RL and SL, I shouldn't have to do that on all fronts.

However, I realize that some of the content of the blogs was unfair. Mainly because I wasn't saying to the people who hurt me, "oh hai, you hurt me", instead I've been waiting for them to figure it out. Why, you ask, haven't I been saying "oh hai, you hurt me?", because I didn't want to make them feel bad for making me feel bad.

I know. Its fucked. But that's how this brain works.

So while I am not taking back any of the content of those posts, or taking down any of the content, I will conceded that they MAY have been a bit harsh and this AV is going to do a better job of just saying, "I think you wronged me, lets chat mkay."

I'm not saying it will be easy, but it will be whats right.

at least I hope.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Im not going to lie.

I like porn.

When I came to SL sex and the things associated with it hadnt even crossed my.mind. I was shocked to find orgy island and sex island and neva naughty. What were these places! OH MY! And Second Life pornography! Really!? It was all so facinating to me.

Fast forward roughly a year and a half, and I am not only no longer a SL Virgin, I am a SLAG (see and am now a SL Pornographer. I made my official debut with some, what I like to think, incredibly hot gay (in theme) porn.

I know this topic is hard for some to understand, and might even shock and appaul some, but it is what it is. I am not going to offer any appologies for it or the pictures I take.

That being said, I am going to post a few of my personal favorites. After this post is finished, I am going to mark my blog mature.

Thats your warning that things are going to get a lot less PG.

Enjoy...or not. Your call.


Manic Monday

Mutual Appreciation

mutual appreciation

spent iiiii

velvet box IV


Hi folks.

So I wont bore you with back story.

well, maybe a little

The other day I crated a boy av, I was just going to use him for a picture or two, and be done with him. Something happened when I put on the shape. All the insecurities I felt as Girl Three melted away and I felt like I could finally be myself. I didnt have to worry about being pretty enough, exotic enough, sexy enough or any of the other enoughs I fight with GT. I've only been girl three once or twice since. Its only been a few days, but I feel better about my av than I have in a long while.

I know its going to raise a few questions, so I'll go ahead and cover them here, for the 3 of you who read:

Q. Dude...Wait...What? So do you like girls or boys?
A. In doing this I've had to come to terms with and face my own bisexuality.

Q. So are you a boy or girl IRL
A. I am a girl, very much so. I have no intention of ever changing that fact.

Q. Will you slex me.
A. If you are bling free, prolly

I realize in terms of SL relationships, I am proably finished, but I cant take more heartache and dissapointment, so that is good. I plan to be open and honest and I have no intention of trying to be anything other than what I am. I am Beth, and Beth is THREE and one day Three might have a cock, and one day Three might not. But regardless of whats on the outside, the driver is the same.

And at the end of the day, thats what matters.

so now I give you boy three:

altered ego

Thanks for listening.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I can has shopping?

Lordy Lordy

RL Payday = Shopping spree in SL

I swear I dropped a boat load of cash at Sn@tch last night and this morning, but totally worth it.

Also picked up a new ttly awsum tattoo at Seven of Henji


Also found a reason to wear the Mz's boots from the Bunny Hop hunt.

Oh, and new skin.

I know you are dying for pictures.

Dont worry, I'll share :)

just because III v 2



Sigh. Shopping is the cure for what ails you.



Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh Whats This Then?

I have a SL Blog!?


/me picks it up and dusts it off

So this blog was started as a reason for me to validate my shopping habits and many MANY changes of clothes during the course of a day.

My Second Life, however, is constantly changing, and I am going to use this blog as a place to vent frustrations, speak about the questions that plague my mind, and may possibly end up as a place for me to emo.

Thats right folks, Three is getting real.

You may or may not like it.

You may or may not agree.

But it is what it is.

More to come.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh Hai

It's been a while.

I have been struggling with my SL for the past few weeks, the people in it and my role within it.

Somedays being in world would send me into fits of panic, my heart would beat fast and all I wanted to do was hide.

I had struggled with the decision to stay in world or to leave. Was I going to walk away from Three for a while, take a break.

I am not going into too much detail, but I thought i owed the few of you who read this some sort of explanation for my absence.

I'm still not 100% sure about my SL Future or my place in it, but that will work itself out eventually.

I'm still here, just figuring my place out.

Thanks for listening.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Underpants Projectiles

So the underpants project is rolling right along, and I'm enjoying my time on this project. Its amazing how many people are not only happy to take off their pants, but the ones who want to take them off over and over again.

I'm magic, what can I say.

Some snippets as the project goes on:

Glmaouramama Boa

Oh Glammy Yer Mah Hero

Kenry Klaar


Lavea Alter


Mariella Tamas

Underpants Project Claims Another Victim

xSaraho Mornington

Dont Break the Ice Sars!

Three, Rocket and Bama Get Emopants

its going to be okay

Alex, Mariella and Three Heart You


Do you love the Underpants Pproject?

Do you want to BE int he Underpants Project?

Drop me a line.

You too could get in yer underpants with Three!


Sunday, February 1, 2009



Um...Like three outfits since we talked last.

And these are the ones I photographed, who knows what I wore in-between.


So as you might have noticed, I kinda have a big ol crush on Fishy Strawberry and Project Kiwi. So it wont surprise you that two out of these next three up outfits contain clothing from both of those designers. I can't help it. I'm not going to apologize anymore either.

well, maybe a little, but you'll deal. or you wont, lawls.

This first outfit is pure smex. Seriously. I loved every minute of wearing it, and chance are it will make a repeat performance.

smooth criminal

Hair/Hat: Gritty Kitty
Skin: Tuli
Tattoo: Garden of Ku
Piercing: Rave Nation
Vest: Project Kiwi
Pants: Project Kiwi
Shoes: UBU

This next outfit is also full of awesome and 110% win. Ive always been hesitant of hat hair, but Gritty Kitty has changed my mind on that. So I'm afraid I might be a Gritty Kitty fan girl too.


Hat/Hair: Gritty Kitty
Skin: Nylon
Sunglasses: Fishy Strawberry
Piercings: Rave Nation
Tattoo: Garden of Ku
Tank: Hell Bop Clothing
Pants: Fishy Strawberry
Shoes: UBU

This last outfit includes some super hot leggings I've been meaning to wear and gave me another reason to wear teh secksy ballet boots I blogged about previously.


Hair: Aveda Designs (ETD)
Skin: 42
Tattoo: Garden of Ku
Piercings: Rave Nation
Shirt: Hell Bop Clothing
Pants: &Bean
Shoes: A-Bomb

So whew...Im caught up.


Still have to update on underpants.

Some shenanigans.

You know.

The ushe.


Im Out.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Sooooo fabulous

Ever have those days where getting dressed is the hardest thing ever?

Today was one of those days. I came THIS close to just saying screw it and being naked.

However cooler heads prevailed and I decided to try the hawt purple leather pants from Ibizzare that I had seen half the grid wearing. Heh. Sometimes, I'm such a sheeple.

they were the perfect reason to put on the Savvy cardigan I picked up the other day while picking up the lusty boots from A-Bomb.

After some grunting and groaning, the outfit came together, most of the time figuring out which hair streak would be perfect.

I think there might be something wrong with the way my head works.


Make with the pictures already, shees

Strike a pose


Hair: Gritty Kitty
Skin: 42
Piercings: Rave nation
Tattoo: Garden of Ku
Sweater: Savvy?
Tank: <3 Cupcakes
Pants: Ibizzare
Shoes: AC


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Seriously Addicted to Project Kiwi

So I feel like a bad fashion blogger. Not that this is just a fashion blog, but fashion certainly has its place here.

I'm guilty of crushing on Project Kiwi. I cant take their clothes off to save my life. I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove their jeans, and instead of wearing all the other awesomeness that exists in my wardrobe, I keep going back to their jeans. They are just sooooo goood.


So here they are again, making their way to my blog. I would hang my head in shame, but I just look so good.

q t


Hat/Hair: Gritty Kitty
Skin: <3 Cupcakes
Glasses: Machienwerk
Piercings: Rave Nation
Tattoo: Garden of Ku
Shirt: Ducknipple
Pants: Project Kiwi
Shoes: UBU

And def pay attention to the Baman Hat from Gritty Kitty. Are you serious? I'm totally serious. Ear flap hat with bat hears = 125% win. Its totes fapable.


I love SL.


Murder Ballet


So these boots Im gonna show you, are pure sex. Seriously. I dont often find a pair of boots I want to wear with everything, but these...if I could get away with it, I would wear ONLY them.

They are totally lickable and I'm sure no matter your style, you can find a place for these in your wardrobe.

These Boots = Teh SEX

Hair: Truth
Skin: Domestic V
Ears: Naeko
Tail: Naeko
Top: SD Wears
Tutu: Sweeter Than Candy
Leggings: Project Kiwi
Shoes: A-Bomb

I liked them so much that I drug my friends Alex and X to the store so they could get their pair. The Black pair are on sale for 100L until Sunday, so I figured instead of being jealous of my hot kicks, they could get their own at a steal.


So Yeah. Get your own foot secks at A-Bomb

You wont be sorry.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh Damn

Got some catching up to do, don't I?

So this will be kinda short and sweet, to the point of awesome.


First outfit are some clothes from my two new favorite stores. Fishy Strawberry and Project Kiwi.

I just cant get over the amount of win both of these stores are full of. Seriously. WTF.

Oh, and have I mentioned reasonably priced?

So yeah.

Straight On

Skin: Nylon
Hair: House of Munster
Ears: Dirty Lynx
Tail: Cobrahive
Sunglasses: Fishy Strawberry
Bracelets: Fishy Strawberry
Shirt: Fishy Strawberry
Pants: Project Kiwi
Shoes: UBU

So Im tryin to save mad SL cash, b/c RL Three doesn't have a job and cant afford to buy L (sad, I know) so while I am still a shopaholic, i am TRYING to stick to a budget.

I know, I'm laughing hysterically as well.

Anyway, while grabbing a few freebs at Twosome, I spotted the shirt pictured and HAD to have it. Threw the whole not spending L idea right out the window though.


Oh well. I look hawt, and thats all that matters.


Hair: Find Ash
Skin: Domestic V
Shirt: Twosome
Pants: Project Kiwi
Shoes: UBU

Okay. Thats it...FOR NOW.



Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Strangest Things Happen

When Johnny Barbeque is around.

He brings out the weird in people, its his gift.

Standing around last night after receiving a teleport from Thad, randomly being random and Johnny says, "We need underpants pics, Three teleport" how does one say no to that request? So I teleport, and proceed to send like a billion teeps.

And then well, it starts to get strange. Clothes came off, heads came off, headgear went was anarchy.

But oh so much fun.

Motley Crew


I love my Second Life.


I Love These Sunglasses

Oh hai ya'll.

The Underpants Project has started to consume my SL, however, I'm okay with that. How can a person be upset about getting secksy avs in their underpants?

Certainly not I.

I took off and put on this outfit I'm blogging about about 10 times yesterday, but its so cute I kept going back to it.

My brain is starved for words today, so I'm going to stop trying to say things now.

Pictures speak louder than bla bla bla bla

Oh Hai, theres lots of me

Skin: Nylon
Hair: House of Munster
Sunglasses: Fishy Strawberry
Hoodie: Ducknipple
Skirt: Fishy Strawberry
Tights: Project Kiwi
Shoes: UBU


The Underpants Project Goes On

So the underpants has officially started.

I have quite a few willing participants, and so far have taken some great pics...or at least I think so.

I feel very fortunate to have awesome and hilarious friends who have no problem getting in their underpants.

Some snippets thusfar:

Rocket Reich

Shock and Awe

Alabama Smalls


Three, Rocket, Alabama

We Farted!

Alexisss Trommler

Three & Alex = Love

Xavia Naidoo

high five

Whatcha Eaton

New Legs

eeka Batz

Sad Clown

Rocket, Three, eeka


EmmaLee Falworth


See them all at


Friday, January 23, 2009

The Underpants Project Evolves

So last night while cruisin around with my buddy Thadeous Drucker we decided to buy matching t-shirts.

LUCKILY Thad remembered he had underpants to go with the glorious shirt and I found myself inspired. So I made a quick run to Nylon Outfitters, picked up a pack of manties, went to the photobooth, and I got a snappin.

I laughed quite hard and I think a good time was had by both.

Drama Queens

So it got me thinking that maybe the Underpants Project should really BE an underpants project.

When I logged on this morning, I messaged my partner ASAP and was grilling him on his underpants selection. I'm like...I need you in your underpants NOW. Of course he wouldn't have said no. He loooooooves me.

Too Cool for Skool

Anyway, yeah. I'm liking where this is going. I've talked to a few more people and I think pretty much everyone I know will be down with getting down to the skivvies. Should be fun to see what comes out of it.


Somethings Fishy Around Here

Last night I was talking to mah buddy BBQ and he said he was doing some store things.

And I perk and am like, "you can has store" and hes like I has store.

Has a store he does! I was shocked and not too surprised when he said he was partly behind Fishy Strawberry.

So I headed over there, picked some stuff up, and as I blogging about them. YAY!

So here it is. Go there. LIKE NOW!


Sexy, I brings it Back

Hair: Penumbra
Skin: Nylon Outfitters
Oufit: Fishy Strawberry
Tights: Fishy Strawberry
Shoes: UBU



The other night I was hanging in the giant white box of photographic doom with X when my buddy Alabama IM's me and is like, "You have to see this outfit, it's so colorful it hurts"

So I teep her in, and I'm like, well you need to see my bright outfit. So I throw on my rainbow outfit and I'm like, "we need a picture".

It went downhill from there.

Or uphill...

but it def went.

Mad props to Kenry Klaar and Johnny Barbeque for bringin it to the White Room! Between the two of them we ended up with more awesome, useless inventory items than one person should ever want/need.

Except for the Walken Mask.

Everyone NEEDS one of those.

ENJOY! I sure know I did!

Um...Dont Ask

SL Breakfast Club

The Flickr Sessions VI

Johnny WalkenQue



So yesterday I left my house to explore the wonderful city of Portland. Which kept me away from SL, but I did have a chance before I left to snap a few outfits that I'd picked up from the past few days. Some have been featured in other blogs, so I feel a bit lazy...therefore I wont go on too much about them, just cant leave you guys hangin.

And I know you were.

So here they are:

Cutie Pie

Hair: Truth
Skin: Lion Skins
Outfit: Huming
Tights: Ducknipple
Shoes: Surf Coture

Hippie Chic

Hair: Truth
Skin: Lion Skins
Sunglasses: Ray Skins
Dress: Sn@tch

So thats what it is!

