Sunday, January 11, 2009


I have quite a few people on my friends list, as I'm sure we all do. Some of them you know well, some of them are new, some are old, and well some of dont even remember who the hell they are, but you don't remove them for fear you will hurt their feelings or one day you WILL remember who they are and feel bad.

Anyway, the other day I friended an av by the name of Glamouramama Boa. She entertained herself by making my tail talk, and I figured anyone who could so happily tug a strange av's tail could and should very well be my friend. So I tentatively offered friendship, and she accepted and YAY! FRIENDS!

Today I received a teep from her that said something about the best 5 minutes I could spend in SL, so I was like...must be an orgy, and against my better judgment hit teleport.

What greeted me was an amazing sight. Video screens upon video screens. I was instructed to sit down and did so happily, especially since everyone had their clothes on! At first I was confused, but I caught on fast enough, and lets just say...Best.Random.Tee.EVER.


Way it works, you click this box and then are instructed to drop a youtube link into open chat. The video will then play on all screens around you. And not only is it multiple screens, they are places so it creates a kaleidoscope effect, and if you plug the right link, you get quite the experience.

The owner of the place teeped in while we were there, and he was super nice. Of Course I cant remember his name right now, but I can give you slurl for the awesome.



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