Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Sometimes we are given the most amazing gifts, and try as we might to fit them into every outfit, sometimes it doesnt work how we planned.

Today I am showcasing two of my favorite presents, given to me by the one and only Rocket Reich.

Accesories FTW


The mask I think is really meant to be a face chastity belt. I can give you a beej, but you wont like it.

Unless you will. In that case, weirdo.

The Walkman is a replica of one I actually OWNED in the 80s. I can almost feel its textured rubber buttons and its smooth yellow casing beneath my fingers. The 80's were amazing.

Anyway...the walkman rules. You click it, and it fills the room with snippets of songs that are sure to delight and enhance your SL experience.

Today I felt like showcasing my gifts, letting the world bask in the awesome of my presents...get it PRESENTS.

ha ha ha ha

I'm done now


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